Behold, a compendium of wild plants! 

Click thee upon a name to unveil the ancient knowledge of herbs, with their secrets, virtues, and uses. Venture forth, good reader, and discover nature's bounties!

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Read through with care, but take heed: Whenever thou comest upon this ⚠️, it doth signify that the herb may bringeth forth woe or rash if handled unwisely.


Agrimony ♃ (Jupiter)
Agrimony, a fine herb for the knight who hath taken wounds, doth heal cuts and bruises with great speed. It also bringeth rest to those troubled by dreams of battle. 

Agrimony, a gentle herb, breweth into a fine tea that easeth the mild inflammations of the mouth and throat. It comforteth the voice and bringeth relief to those troubled by hoarseness or soreness.

"It opens and cleanses the liver, it helps the jaundice. ...The leaves and seeds outwardly applied being stamped with old swine's grease, it helps old sores, ulcers, draws forth thorns and splinters of wood, nails, or any other such things gotten in the flesh. ...A strengthener of the liver."

Alecost (Costmary) ♃ (Jupiter)

Angelica ☉ (Sun)
Heavenly Angelica, sent from above, is a sure defense ‘gainst pestilence and poison. Take it, good folk, to guard thy house and body from foul contagions.

Archangel (White Nettle) ♀ (Venus)
Though named for an angel, this nettle doth sting not! Archangel is a balm for old wounds and sores. "Flowers of the White Archangel are preserved or conserved to be used to stay the whites, and the flowers of the red to stay the reds in women."


Betony ♃ (Jupiter)
A veritable knight of herbs, Betony shall defend thee from all manner of dangers, whether from fiends, foul dreams, or mischief. A true protector of the head and heart.

Blackberry ♀ (Venus) in Aries
Blackberry, with its thorny boughs, yieldeth berries that are sweet and good for the blood. The leaves, boiled, make a fine wash for sores and inflamed gums.

Borage ♃ (Jupiter)
For they who lack courage or suffer melancholy, Borage shall bring cheer and drive away sorrow. ‘Tis said to make a man merry and bold, good for knight and knave alike.

Burdock ♀ (Venus) 


Calendula (Marigold) ☉ (Sun)
Calendula, the golden flower, bringeth comfort to the heart and healeth wounds as fast as they are made. It maketh the skin fair and clear.

Camomile ☉ (Sun)
Aye, the gentle Camomile, comforteth the weak stomach and bringeth sleep to those vexed by worry and ill thoughts. "The oil made of the flowers of Camomile, is much used against all hard swellings, pains and aches, shrinking of the sinews, or cramps, or pains in the joints, or any other part of the body"

Chickweed ☽ (Moon)
Chickweed, though small and humble, doth cool the fiery rash and stay the itch of the skin. It bringeth relief to those who be troubled by redness and inflammation.

Clary Sage ☽ (Moon)
Clary Sage, a wise herb for the eyes, clearith the sight and doth heal all manner of inflammations. "The mucilage of the seed made with water and applied to swellings, disperses and takes them away...The fresh leaves dipped in a batter of flour, egg and a little milk, and fried in butter, and served to the table."

Cleavers ☽ (Moon)
Cleavers, the clinger, doth cleanse the blood and chaseth away obstructions from the body. It is a fine herb for those who seek a fair complexion and clear skin. "It is good remedy in the Spring, eaten (being first chopped small, and boiled well)in water-gruel, to cleanse the blood, and strengthen the liver, thereby to keep the bosy in health, and fitting it for that change of season that is coming."

Comfrey ⚠️ ♄ (Saturn)
Comfrey, known as Knitbone, doth mend broken bones and close up wounds. If thou findest thyself bruised or battered, apply this herb to heal with haste. But beware, for taken within, it may trouble the liver and bring ill humours.

Cow Parsley


Daisy ♀ (Venus)
The Daisy, humble and low, healeth wounds and sores with great speed."...Very fitting to be kept both in oils, ointments, and plaisters, as also in syrup...An ointment made thereof doth wonderfully help all wounds that have inflammations about them."

Dandelion ♃ (Jupiter)
Though oft scorned as a weed, the Dandelion be a most noble herb for the liver and the blood. It cleanseth thee of foul humours and setteth thy bodily pipes in good working order.

Dill ☿ (Mercury)
If thou art troubled by wind or belly aches, take of Dill, for it doth pacify the troubled stomach and bringeth peace to thy bowels.


Elder ♀ (Venus)
Elder be the wise woman’s tree, warding off witches and ill spirits. Its flowers heal all manner of fevers and inflammations, whilst the berries be good for winter’s ills."The distilled water of the flowers is of much use to clean the skin from sun-burning, freckles, morphew, or the like."

Eyebright ☉ (Sun)
This fair herb, as its name doth declare, restoreth sight to those who hath lost it, clearith the vision, and bringeth clarity to the eyes of young and old alike.


Fennel ☿ (Mercury)
Fennel, a friend to the housewife, doth bring relief to mild troubles of the belly, such as a fullness most discomforting and winds most troublesome. The seeds may be chewed with benefit, or their powdered form steeped in a decoction or syrup, to soothe the troubled stomach and bring forth a more comfortable repose.  

Feverfew ♀ (Venus)

Fleabane ⚠️
Fleabane, as its name doth promise, chaseth away fleas and other vermin. It is also good for wounds and bites, bringing swift relief to the afflicted. But beware, for it may trouble the skin if handled too much.

Wear it upon thy breast and be assured thy beloved shall ne’er forget thee.

Foxglove ⚠️♀ (Venus)
Foxglove, fair yet deadly, doth strengthen the heart but in the wrong dose, bringeth death. It is a herb to handle with great care, for it holdeth both life and death in its leaves.

Fumitory ♄ (Saturn)
Fumitory be a cleanser of the blood, purging out foul humours and bringing forth a fair complexion. It is a friend to those plagued by spots and blemishes.


Garlic ♂ (Mars)
No kitchen be complete without the pungent Garlic, a foe to all things pestilential. "This was anciently accounted the poor man's treacle, it being a remedy for all diseases and hurts."

Ginger, the fiery root, warmeth the stomach and quickeneth the blood. A fine spice for those who seek warmth in the cold season or for those of a melancholic disposition.

Gypsywort ⚠️
Gypsywort, with leaves dark and bitter, doth bring ease to the troubled chest. But beware, for it may darken the skin and trouble the body if taken within.

Goldenrod ♀ (Venus)
Goldenrod, bright as the sun, doth "provoke urine in abundance, whereby also the gravel and stone may be voided... green wounds (a fresh or recent wound), old sores and ulcers, are quickly cured therewith. It also is of special use in all lotions for sores or ulcers in the mouth, throat, or privy parts of man and woman."

Greater Celandine ⚠️☉ (Sun)
Should thy eyesight fail or thine eyes be sore, seek out Celandine, for it is the sun’s own gift to restore vision and clear the eyes of all obstructions. But beware, for its sap may trouble the skin and should not be taken lightly.

Ground Elder 
Ground Elder, though oft scorned as a weed, doth bring swift relief to the gouty foot. It easeth pain and bringeth forth the power to walk anew.

Ground Ivy (Alehoof) ♀ (Venus)
Ground Ivy, which creepeth low upon the ground, doth clear the head of all manner of ill humours. A friend to those with ringing ears and troubled thoughts, it bringeth quiet to the mind.


Hawthorn ♂ (Mars)
Hawthorn, guardian of hedgerows, doth protect against evil spirits and ill fortune. It strengtheneth the heart and maketh the blood to flow with vigour.

Herb Robert ♀ (Venus)
Herb Robert, though small in stature, doth hold great power to stop the flow of blood and healeth the skin. Herb Robert doth serve well when its leaves are crushed, for they fend off pests most bothersome. Known also as the English coriander, it lendeth its flavor to cookery, bringing zest and savor to the fairest of dishes.

Hemlock ⚠️♄ (Saturn)
Hemlock, the most deadly of all herbs, doth bring death with but a small taste. Though it bringeth swift end to life, its juice, rightly used, doth ease pain and bring quiet to the mind. It is to be shunned and feared, for it beareth no remedy, only woe.

Hogweed ⚠️
A mighty herb for those who know its secrets, though beware its wrath if mishandled. Hogweed doth bring forth a rash most fiery if touched. It is not to be handled with bare hands, lest ye suffer its wrath.

Hops ♂ (Mars)
Hops, the brewer’s friend, maketh a man merry and driveth away the cares of the world. Good it is for calming the mind and easing the troubles of the belly.

Horehound ☿ (Mercury)
If thou be plagued by a hacking cough or the phlegm sticketh fast in thy throat, Horehound shall unstop the pipes and make thy breath as clear as a summer’s morn.

Horsetail ♄ (Saturn)
"The decoction thereof in wine being drunk, provokes urine and helps the stone and stranguary"

Horsetail, a right sturdy herb, beareth stalks rough as a smith’s file, good for scourin’ pots and pans alike. 'Tis said to contain the very earth’s own grit (up to 15% silica), which maketh it most useful to the housewife, who doth know its worth in keeping the cooking vessels clean as a whistle.

Hyssop ♃ (Jupiter)
Hyssop, the holy herb, washeth away sins and foul humours. It cleanseth the chest and lungs, and "it is an excellent medicine for the quinsy, or swellings in the throat, to wash and gargle it, being boiled in figs."


Lady’s Mantle ♀ (Venus)
Lady’s Mantle, a true friend to women, doth bring comfort to those who suffer the pains of childbirth. It stayeth the courses and healeth wounds, making the flesh firm and fair. "Venus claims the herb as her own...very effectual to stay bleeding"

Lavender ☿ (Mercury)
Lavender bringeth calm to the troubled mind and sleep to those who find none. Good it is to ward off evil spirits and moths alike, whilst bringing cheer to the weary soul. "Of a special good use for all griefs and pains of the head and brain".

Lavender, with its sweet and fragrant blooms, doth serve admirably in the crafting of scented bags and pillows. These fair sachets and cushions, filled with lavender’s soothing essence, doth bring a most delightful fragrance to linens and chambers, and lendeth a calming balm to the restless and weary soul.

Lemon Balm (Melissa) ♃ (Jupiter)
Lemon Balm, a sweet herb for the heart, doth drive away sadness and maketh a man merry. It lifteth the spirits and is a sure remedy for those who hath lost their cheer. "Let a syrup be made with the juice of it and ... syrup be kept in every gentlewoman's house to relieve stomachs... It causes the mind and heart to become merry and revives the heart, it drives away all troublesome cares and thoughts out of the mind."

Lesser Celandine (Pilewort) ♂ (Mars)

Liquorice ☿ (Mercury)
Liquorice, sweet of taste and soothing to the throat, doth stay the cough and comforteth the chest. It also bringeth forth clear speech and maketh the breath sweet. "Boiled in fair water, with some figs, makes a good drink for those that have a dry cough or hoarseness, wheezing and shortness of breath"

Lords and Ladies ⚠️
Lords and Ladies, fair yet deadly, doth bring forth a rash to those who touch it. Handle with care, for it is as treacherous as it is beautiful.

Lungwort ♃ (Jupiter)
Lungwort, speckled as the lungs of man, doth ease the chest and comforteth those with a cough. It bringeth relief to those troubled by phlegm and shortness of breath.


Mallow ♀ (Venus)
Mallow, soft and soothing, doth comfort the belly and bringeth forth a gentle stool. It is a healer of wounds and a friend to those with dry, chapped skin.

Meadowsweet ♀ (Venus)
Meadowsweet, the queen of the meadow, doth bring peace to the stomach and drive away aches and fevers. It sweeteneth the air and maketh the heart glad."The root made into powder and mixed with honey in the form of an electuary, doth much help them whose stomachs are swollen, dissolving and breaking the wind which was the cause thereof."

Mint ♀ (Venus)
Mint, a friend to the stomach, chaseth away wind and quickeneth the digestion. It maketh the breath sweet and bringeth coolness to the hot and weary. "Profitable for the stomach...applied to the forehead and temples, it eases the pains in the head...strengthens the belly, causes digestion, provokes appetite (the powder of it being dried). A decoction thereof gargled in the mouth, cures the gums and mouth that are sore, and mends an ill-savoured breath."

Moss ♄ (Saturn)
Moss is a goodly bandage for the traveler in need.

Mullein ♄ (Saturn)
Mullein, tall and stately, doth comfort the chest and stayeth the cough. It bringeth peace to the lungs and driveth away the chill from the bones.

Mugwort ♀ (Venus)
Mugwort, the travelers' friend, bringeth forth fair dreams and chaseth away evil spirits. 

Mugwort, a herb both bitter and potent, doth serve well to expel troublesome worms from the body. This herb, though harsh to the taste, is of great benefit for those younglings who bite their nails, offering a remedy for such mischief and aiding in the restoration of health and propriety.


Nettle ♂ (Mars)
Nettle, though it stingeth the hand, is a healer of many ills. It warmeth the cold joints, and when boiled, doth provide a fine broth for the sick and ailing.

Nutmeg, though costly, is worth its weight in gold. It warmeth the stomach, aideth digestion, and cheereth the heart.


Pennyroyal ⚠️ ♀ (Venus)
Pennyroyal doth repel vermin and is good for the head. It also bringeth on the courses of women and cleanseth the womb.

Plantain ♀ (Venus)
Plantain, the traveler’s companion, doth heal wounds and stings with great speed. It draweth out venom and keepeth the flesh whole and fair, no matter the mishap.

"Of the leaves of primroses, is made as fine a salve to heal wounds as any that I know."


Rose Damask ♀ (Venus), Red ♃ (Jupiter), White ☽ (Moon)
Rose, the flower of love, doth comfort the heart and bringeth forth a fair complexion. Its petals, steeped in water, make a sweet balm for the skin and a remedy for sore eyes. "Chiefly use for fumes to sweeten things, as the dried leaves thereof to make sweet powders and fill sweet bags."

Rose Hips, the fruit of the fair Rose, doth strengthen the body and stave off illness. Good it is for the winter season, keeping colds and agues at bay.

Rosemary ☉ (Sun) in Aries
Rosemary, the herb of remembrance, strengtheneth the memory and comforteth the heart. It also bringeth cheer to the weary soul and preserveth youth. "It helps a weak memory and quickens the senses...It is very comfortable to the stomach, helps both retention of meat and digestion, a decoction or powder being taken in wine." 

Rue ⚠️ ☉ (Sun)
Rue, the herb of grace, driveth away contagion and poison. 


Sage ♃ (Jupiter)
Sage, the wise herb, doth preserve the memory and quicken the mind. It bringeth forth long life and doth ward off the ill effects of age.

Sage when boiled in wine or water and mingled with a touch of honey, doth make a most effective gargle. Such a mixture doth soothe sore mouths and throats, providing relief to those plagued by discomfort in the oral passages and bringing forth a balm for their weary speech.

Self Heal ♀ (Venus)
Self Heal, a healer of many ills, "it is an especial remedy for all green wounds, to solder the lips of them, and to keep the place from any further inconveniencies"

Silverweed, with its leaves of silver hue, doth soothe burns and ease the pains of sore feet. It be a friend to those who walk far and long upon the road.

St. John’s Wort ☉ (Sun)
St. John's Wort when steeped in olive oil, doth yield a salve most soothing for wounds, abrasions, and burns, bringing comfort to the distressed flesh. "Made into an ointment it dissolves swellings and close up the lips of wounds."

Moreover, the essence of this herb, in extracts, doth serve to lighten the spirits, aiding those troubled by mild to moderate melancholies, anxiety, and the gloomy shadows of seasonal afflictions. It bringeth light to the dark places of the mind and body. 

Stitchwort ☿ (Mercury)


Tansy ⚠️ ♀ (Venus)
Tansy, bold and bitter, driveth out worms and doth cleanse the body of ill humours. Good it is for keeping the house free of flies and for stirring the sluggish blood. "The herb fried with eggs is called a Tansy, helps to digest and carry downwards those humors that trouble the stomach."

Tansy, though bold and potent, be a herb to handle with care. Its essence be strong, and if taken in excess, may bring harm to the body. It is not fit for the pot, and those who touch it may find their skin troubled with a rash most unseemly.

Thistle ♂ (Mars)
Thistle, though prickly, doth cleanse the liver and quicken the digestion. 

Thyme ♀ (Venus)
Thyme driveth out phlegm and easeth the cough. "A strengthener of the lungs ... it purges the body of phlegm, it is an excellent remedy for the shortness of breath."

Tormentil ☉ (Sun)


Valerian ☿ (Mercury)
Valerian, the herb of peace, bringeth sleep to those who find none. It calmeth the troubled mind and driveth away the terrors of the night.

Vervain ♀ (Venus)

Violet ♀ (Venus)
Violet, sweet of scent and gentle of nature, doth comfort the heart and bringeth forth clear thoughts. 


Wild Garlic ☿ (Mercury)
Wild Garlic, though strong of scent, doth cleanse the blood and protect against pestilence. It be a fierce defender against all manner of ill humours.

Wood Avens (Herb Bennet) ♃ (Jupiter)
"The root consists of many brownish strings or fibres, smelling somewhat like cloves, especially those which grow in the higher, hotter, and drier grounds, and in free and clear air."

Wormwood ♂ (Mars)
Wormwood, bitter and bold, doth cleanse the body of worms and other ill humours.


Yarrow (Nosebleed) ♀ (Venus)
Yarrow, the knight’s herb, doth staunch blood and heal wounds as if by magic. It bringeth strength to the weary and keepeth wounds from festering, a true friend in battle. "The ointment of it is not only good for green wounds, but also for ulcers and fistulas, especially such as abound with moisture."

When its flowers are ground into a fine powder, doth serve as a styptic to staunch minor bleeding cuts and wounds with great efficacy. Moreover, a tea brewed from its leaves and blossoms doth bring comfort and relief to those beset by common colds and fevers, aiding in their swift recovery.

The celestial symbols beside each herb reveal the heavenly bodies that govern their qualities. Herein is the guide to their astrological associations:

  • ☉ (Sun): The glorious Sun, ruler of the day, doth impart warmth and strength.
  • ☽ (Moon): The gentle Moon, sovereign of the night, doth govern the tides and the moist humours.
  • ☿ (Mercury): The swift Mercury, the messenger of the gods, rules over wit and swift motion.
  • ♀ (Venus): The fair Venus, goddess of love and beauty, bestoweth grace and harmony.
  • ♂ (Mars): The valiant Mars, the warrior’s star, governs strength and fiery passions.
  • ♃ (Jupiter): The mighty Jupiter, king of the heavens, bringeth prosperity and expansion.
  • ♄ (Saturn): The austere Saturn, lord of time and discipline, doth influence endurance and structure.

With this key, thou shalt better understand the celestial influences upon each herb and the wisdom of their uses in our healing practices.